Eligibility Criteria and Submission

Welcome to the application pack for the AECC UC Student Sport Scholarship Scheme. Please note the eligibility criteria below as failure to meet these criteria mean you will not be eligible for a scholarship at this time. This has no impact on your ability to apply in the future should you meet the criteria.

To be eligible for the Sport Scholarship, a student must: •

  • Be enrolled on OR applied for a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at AECC University College
  • Meet the criteria set out in Section A and at least 1 subcategory in Section B:


i. Have the necessary academic background to successfully gain a position on a course at AECC University College, and be enrolled in a full academic schedule of work (student’s repeating years or units will not be eligible).


i. Be of regional, national or international standard in their sport and/or show strong evidence of future outstanding potential, AND Represent AECC University College in their respective BUCS individual or team competitions.

ii. Be of regional, national or international standard in a Sport England recognised sport

iii. Be of National or International standard in their sport.

iv. Be in a professional sports academy, development squad or team.

A student in receipt of an Elite Athletic Achievement Scholarship is not eligible.

To be eligible for financial support students must complete the financial support application form (a copy of which is included in the appendices of this application form.

  • First round closing date: 14/2/2024
  • Ensure you have completed every section fully
  • Successful applicant will be contacted as soon as possible upon a decision being made
  • All scholarship students will be required to attend an induction event outlining their role within the university and undertake 1 (Bronze), 2 (Silver) or 3 (Gold) marketing, promotion, or outreach activities per year. These activities could include (but are not limited to): open days, school visits, interviews, and filming for online videos. 

There are two application windows each academic year as follows:

  • Sept/Oct - For students enrolled on or appyling for an autumn start course.
  • Jan/Feb - For students enrolled on or applying for a January start course.
I understand the above eligibility criteria and wish to submit an application. Required